Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Busy Bee

So I have been busy. I went back to school and the work load is huge. Have been only working 2 days a week, which all of a sudden seems like a lot, though I cannot seem to make a dent in paying for my school. But I just got a job in the field I am going to school for, a librarian, which makes me so freaking happy!!!!! Though I do not know what to do with my waitressing job, I would never look back if I left it but I know I could just the extra cash each week if I can find time for it in between everything else.
Tony started his "career" the same week I started school so between all I have going on and his work we are lucky to see each other twice a week. This is stressful but we'll get through it.... maybe someday pretty soon we can come home to each other making that two days a week thing go away. Our "baby" Alfie is growing up!! I love him more then I ever thought I could love a puppy, his is my child! He makes my heart smile. :)
So, I am thinking of starting to fix up my own place as soon as summer school is over which makes me excited, though it will be tough money wise. Maybe I can get full time at my new job? Generally I am happy, hopefully things will come through in my house in the next few weeks causing me to become completly happy. i hate to loose my father from my house, but I can't take the drama anymore and the key to me putting my life on track is to get all the stress and drama out of my life. Mentioning strss free reminded me of the vacation Tony and I went on....Niagara Falls Canada was wonderful, relaxing, and brought us so close. i have nothing but warm fuzzy memories about that vacation. I haven't had much time to write or read latley. And if you can't find me I am probably at some library behind a bunch of reference books... so come find me there!

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