Saturday, March 18, 2006

simple ease

The ease of having you near,
how highly I think of you
is almost enough to keep me close to you forever.
But its your kind heart
and your sweet ways
that also make me want you to stay.
Your talents and intelligence make me proud to know you.
Your words and your softness is unusual to be found.
This love was not overpowering in the beginning.
It took its time to grow.
When I hear you call yourself "papa" I know I need you forever.
So as time strolls by and we get older,
I want you by my side
to make each and everyday a smidge easier for one another.

Friday, March 17, 2006

love like this

Walking through the park never was so delightful. Watching you explore makes my heart jump for joy. Silly it seems that I always hated your type and how now I understand what everyone else saw in your kind. When times are ruff you are by my side...either tugging on my sleeve or licking my face. When I want to cuddle you are there. When I am happy you will dance and run with me. I've never had love like this.

ha, :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So fresh and so clean

I found this image on the internet. Do any of you out there do this? I do, I love to not only rehearse in the shower but plain and simply THINK. In the shower with the warm water beating down on me I can think with a clear mind. It is a time where I can get completly lost in my thoughts. It's like a mini vacation or a sort runaway. I can think about my day or my day to come. I can create an intersting story or poem. I can ponder life and the meaning of it. I can feel or cry. Let it all out. Then compose myself, step out of the shower and feel okay again. Clean, refreshed and at peace with the conclusion of my thoughts.

Monday, March 06, 2006

sun rays warm my face

I hope the sun shines on me and my life.

Life has been pretty complicated latley. There is always too many things that have to be done and not enough time in the day. My life has left me with little time to do anything relaxing. Hopefully things will not get much worse before it gets better. I haven't had much time latley to write or take pictures which bluntly makes me pretty freaking sad. So today I am going to try to find the time to.

The picture above was taken about three weeks ago at a small park in Stony Brook, Long Island. It is amazing how much feeling I got from this tree. It was big and beautiful. There were love carvings all the way up to the tippy top of the tree. Ya know, the carving of initals in hearts. I can imagine the tree being so old and the couples sitting there under the tree... then leaving there mark in the tree. I wonder how many of those couples where high school loves and wonder how many of those loves are still together and burning strong. I was there while the sun was low and bright causing everthing to glisten and shimmer. I sat under the tree looking for a spot that was empty, so that I could too put my initials on the tree. There was not one free space and I did not have anything sharp. Next time I am going to bring something sharp and find a free space, even if I have to climb to the highest branch. I can't wait until spring to see this tree in full bloom. It's silly how a tree can make me feel so many things. I have to say, I love this photograph.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Simple Happiness

I've always been big on achiving. I've always frowned upon people that did not end up sucessful. Now I see I am a college graduate that is unsure of the world or where to turn to next. I am a college graduate that is still a simple waitress. Most days my routine is the same. And slowly I am loosing my drive to go to work each morning. Currently my life has way too much saddness in it.

Their are days I say fuck it all, live life for today. Stay home and play with the puppy. Go for a walk. Watch the wonder and the happiness in this little pup as he explores the world. There are so many things to do each day. Sometimes I find myself tired of this rut. Sometimes I want to just pick myself up and walk right away.

Then the feeling fades.

I always wonder if what I am doing in my life is right. I wonder if I have the right relationships or if I let go of the right ones. Life isn't easy. I don't know where to go next. I am unsure if I need to relax and let life play out or if I need to buckle myself in and get serious. I guess only time will tell.