Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Simple Happiness

I've always been big on achiving. I've always frowned upon people that did not end up sucessful. Now I see I am a college graduate that is unsure of the world or where to turn to next. I am a college graduate that is still a simple waitress. Most days my routine is the same. And slowly I am loosing my drive to go to work each morning. Currently my life has way too much saddness in it.

Their are days I say fuck it all, live life for today. Stay home and play with the puppy. Go for a walk. Watch the wonder and the happiness in this little pup as he explores the world. There are so many things to do each day. Sometimes I find myself tired of this rut. Sometimes I want to just pick myself up and walk right away.

Then the feeling fades.

I always wonder if what I am doing in my life is right. I wonder if I have the right relationships or if I let go of the right ones. Life isn't easy. I don't know where to go next. I am unsure if I need to relax and let life play out or if I need to buckle myself in and get serious. I guess only time will tell.


tara dawn said...

Thanks for the heartwarming comments you left on my blog, and leading me here to yours. I know this feeling exactly, that periodic wondering if the life you're leading is the one you're meant to lead. Always wondering what else is out there, if this is it, if this is right, etc...
Thanks for your honesty with gives me courage.
I will return again soon.

Frankie said...

Oh goodness, I think about this all the time. I think we all spend our lives questioning whether we're living to the fullest, whether we're leading ourselves in the right direction. Just know and feel what's right for you. It sounds like you really do know yourself well. I look forward to reading about what your future will hold!!!

MissManda said...

Thank you both for your comments. I will look forward to reading your pages as well.

MissManda said...
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