Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gray Power

Old people have something to say. I stopped smiling and nodding, stopped treating them like they all have Alzheimer's or are just old bags not able to function in the world today. I've done this for years having no use for them, but I have started valuing what they have to say. Asking questions. Having conversations with them.

I come across so many retired people in my community every day by waiting on them and I started to think, why am I not taking advantage of this? So I talk to them. I find out about where they are from, what they are like, and about their everyday life.

My two little old ladies that have English accent and wear home made sweaters. They are so sweet and nice to talk to. All of my regulars that I know their order by heart, they like to spend their time relaxing and reading. It makes such a difference to them when you stop and ask them what their book is about. They will then go on and on about their book, their children, their grandchildren, their belated husband or wife. You learn why they are alone. What happened to their family or friends. Sometimes my customers become friends and start talking to each other after seeing each other everyday. Eating alone, enjoying time with yourself is wonderful, but sometimes they are lonley. When I make their day by complementing the sweater they made or talking about the book they are reading, it makes me feel great.

I like to know what they have been through. Or their advice on life, love or careers. I value their opinions. What they think of the world, politics, and what they valued throughout life. I think about how I too will hopefully be their age one day. Full of knowledge and life experience. Latley when I have a bad day or I think things can't possible get any worse- I think about all of the things these people have been through in their 80 or 90 years of life. How many times have they thought "Can life get any worse then this?" "Maybe this time I won't be able to get through this." But they get through it. They survive.

I think about how easy it is to adapt to things in life. How quickly a person gets used to a new environment, a loss of a lover or a friend. How new people can come into your life so fast and how fast we can grow close to them. How fast things can change or be forgotten. Life goes on. Things change, people change, feelings are lost. A person's memory reminds them of the life they led. It's important to remember but their is a time to cut the memory loose and carry on. Most of the time a person will never get the feeling back again or may never come back into contact with a person like the one they loved again... but their will be other feelings to feel, other lovers to love, other friends to meet.

Their are so many chapters to life. Life is so long but it goes by so fast. Think of what it must feel like to be 90, looking back on 90 years of life. How accomplished a person must feel. Think about the regrets. One day I too want to be 90. Know their can still be 15 more years to go, but death could be around the corner any day. I want to feel it, remember the heartaches of life but also the little joys that I had. Everyday is a blessing and I will do all I can to be the best personI can be. I want to take in all I can from life and hopefully when I am 90 I will be satisfied.

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