Monday, November 28, 2005

No day but today but look to tomorrow

So I listened to Christmas music for about ten hours today. That's a lot of Christmas music. But I must say I enjoyed it. They started playing Christmas music three days before thanksgiving at my job. Today not only did I hear it for eight hours at work, but I have been listening to the Christmas music station in my car as well. I drove a lot today. It has put me in this happy go lucky, winter is coming, shopping mood. I sing to it. I smile. We all sing together, me and my co-workers that is. And it makes me feel close to them. We, me and my boyfriend, and it makes me feel close to him.

I had a great night tonight. It was nice to have such an enjoyable night after working five days straight. Now I get to have my big two days off- so much to do so little time. But I am looking forward to going into Manhattan on Wednesday. I miss it there. And I hope to have some time to go shooting, and that always puts a smile on my face.

So my friend is having some problems with her boyfriend. I gave her advice, it is so easy to give advice. Through the years sometimes I wish I listened to my own advice. She deserves the world. She is an amazing girl and I wish she knew this. I hope she realizes.

I hope she can see that you can only deal with so much. Some people have problems that are just too big for one person to solve. I do not mean give up, but just take a step back and let the person figure them out on there own. Do not let it set you back in your own happiness. Listen to me, what do I know, I am embarrassed about lots of things that have happened to me in my past. So I guess I can say I live from experience, but I have made so many mistakes that what are my words of wisdom worth? Everyone has to make their own decisions and then learn from them.

Nothing anyone can say right now can bring me down, no not even you, so just don't even bother trying. I am happy and no one else can be this good to me. There is no one else that deserves what I have to give.

"What a waste of unconditional love, on someone that doesn't care about that stuff"

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