Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I am writing this for me, not for you. So don't even think that for even one moment.

I used to write and stopped out of laziness. When I would write my thoughts would flow quicker then my hand was able to write and that pissed me off. I thought about tape recording my thoughts but that would mean saying them outloud and someone might have had the chance of hearing me. Plus thinking outloud sort of defeats the point of a thought, which is personal.

Also, I thought to myself, why waste my time? I'll never want to re-listen to my thoughts again. It's a one time thing. Think it, think about it then move on. So tape recording would be a waste of my time and money (tapes, tape recorder). But latley I have begun thinking a whole lot again and have decided that it might be self gratifying to start writing down my thoughts again, since some thoughts actually seem pretty significant. This time trying to slow down my thought process, clearly writing it and understanding it. Taking it all in. I'll give it a try, though I have no clue how long it will last.

So that is what this blog is about. Random thoughts-for me, by me. I haven't decided if I am going to share this with anyone else yet. Sometimes people need secrets of their own. A secret is something that can either keep a person sane or make them completley insane. So we'll see where this goes. If you happen to stumble upon this by all means enjoy it, I guess there is a reason I decided to post this on the internet.

(oh, and F.Y.I. all the images posted on here will be by me unless otherwise noted. So there's no taking credit for them buddy!)

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