Saturday, December 31, 2005

goodbye 2005

So its about five and a half hours before it's a brand spanking new year. 2005 has brought a few good times and some bad. Well, a bunch of bad times. There has been a very few good things that have come. Right now off the top of my head I can distinctivly think of two good things, I am sure their are a minor few more. But all and all I have to say 2005 has been a pretty sad and depressing year for me. I am going to try look towards a happier new year. A new start. But I usually do not see it that way. Most of the time I am upset to end another year. Another chapter of my life closed, and theirs no stopping it. So I am trying to cheer up and look on the bright side, which I usually have a hard time doing. I am trying to believe that 2006 will be happier...or at least give me a few better times then 2005. Or maybe less sad times? Cause really can things really get much worse? yeah, i am sure they can.

So usually when the ball drops I start to cry, no, well hold back the tears because I don't want to look like a sap. This year I feel like sleeping through it and pretending it was just another day. But for once I have plans and I am going to try to be happy. Eh, I hope it works.


To a brighter future?

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